

Dawson College's Professional Theatre Program Presents "CLUE" a murder mystery

Directed by Jonathan Monro, the second year students of the Professional Theatre Program at Dawson College will be performing the hit play "CLUE", written by Sandy Rustin, based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn.

When: October 4th to October 7th
Time: 7:30pm
Where: New Dome Theatre, Dawson College
Cost: Pay What You Can - cash donations at the door are accepted. $5 suggested donation


Samantha Antioco-Neves

Zion David Arellano 

Sarah Jeanne Aucoin

Ty Russell Clarke

Gracia Garin 

Kaëla Gillman

Sandra Guillen Sanabria

Scarlett Harvey

Griphon Hobby-Ivanovici

Seamus Holmes

Emmanuela Mabel Olufèmi Idjidina

Louna Janin

Emma Lefebvre-Evers  

Jia Li Riddell 

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