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La Route des concerts & Le Vitrail - Espace culturel present

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In-person Event
May 12th 2024
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm / Doors: 1:30 pm

1254, rue Sainte Marthe, Thetford Mines, QC, Canada acts as an agent for La Route des concerts in the context of online display and ticket sales of their events.
For more info about this event, please contact the event organizer, La Route des concerts, at

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By the combination of these two instruments, the atmospheres evoked in these pieces are thus more defined. By transforming the «soloist» aspect of these works into a conception for two instruments in dialogue, the language of Debussy’s sounds resonates differently, sometimes more intimate, sometimes more grandiose, but always with the intention of creating a strong link with the audience. The evocative power of these compositions is inevitably altered, since they now tell their story but also that of the two musicians who transmit them.

Through a unique and thematic concert, cellist Stéphane Tétreault and pianist Olivier Hébert-Bouchard offer you a musical retrospective on the life of Claude Debussy!

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By the combination of these two instruments, the atmospheres evoked in these pieces are thus more defined. By transforming the «soloist» aspect of these works into a conception for two instruments in dialogue, the language of Debussy’s sounds resonates differently, sometimes more intimate, sometimes more grandiose, but always with the intention of creating a strong link with the audience. The evocative power of these compositions is inevitably altered, since they now tell their story but also that of the two musicians who transmit them.

Through a unique and thematic concert, cellist Stéphane Tétreault and pianist Olivier Hébert-Bouchard offer you a musical retrospective on the life of Claude Debussy!

Stéphane Tétreault, violoncelle et Olivier Hébert-Bouchard, piano

Olivier Hébert-Bouchard est diplômé du Conservatoire de musique de Trois-Rivières (Prix avec Grande Distinction à l’unanimité) et de la Manhattan School of Music (Maîtrise avec distinction). Il est lauréat de nombreux concours nationaux et internationaux, dont notamment le Julia Crane International Piano Competition, le Gian Battista Viotti International Piano Competition, le Missouri Southern International Piano Competition, le Concours OSM / Standard Life, le Toronto Symphony National Piano Competition et leWigmore Hall International Song and Lied Competition). Il se produit comme soliste et chambriste avec de nombreux ensembles nord-américains. Artiste radiophonique actif, on peut l’entendre sur les ondes d’ICI Musique, Radio-Canada international, CBC et l’Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision.

Féru d'art multidisciplinaire, M. Hébert-Bouchard prend part à de nombreux projets mixtes combinant danse, théâtre, improvisation, art visuel et musique, avec entre autres Corpus Rhésus Danse, The Juilliard School, le Mois Multi de Québec, le Festival International de la Poésie de Trois-Rivières et les Conservatoires d'art dramatique du Québec. Il a également joué comme « doublure piano » d’André Mathieu dans le film de Luc Dionne L’enfant prodige présenté au grand écran au printemps 2010.

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