Tallant DON INK & Bless up records présente


Événement en personne
28 septembre 2024
22h00 – 23h30 / Entrée: 21h30

884 rue Principale, Saint-Amable, QC, Canada
Lepointdevente.com agit à titre de mandataire pour Tallant DON INK dans le cadre de l’affichage en ligne et la vente de billets pour ses événements.
Pour plus d’information à propos de cet événement, veuillez contacter l’organisateur de l’événement, Tallant DON INK, à tallantdon@gmail.com.

Achat de billets

Venez voir en show TALLANT DON qui montre sur scène au bar Saint-Amable pour vous présenter ces 2 Ep's (1 S'Word 2 Snakes et Hustle Mind & Soul Flows) avec DJ JO-HA-KIM pour une soirée a ne pas manquer.


Come out and see TALLANT DON live at the Saint-Amable bar who will perform his 2 Ep's that just dropped this year (1 S'Word 2 Snakes et Hustle mind & Soul flows) with DJ JO-HA-KIM, you will not want to miss this great night. Come out & party !!!

See you there

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Venez voir en show TALLANT DON qui montre sur scène au bar Saint-Amable pour vous présenter ces 2 Ep's (1 S'Word 2 Snakes et Hustle Mind & Soul Flows) avec DJ JO-HA-KIM pour une soirée a ne pas manquer.


Come out and see TALLANT DON live at the Saint-Amable bar who will perform his 2 Ep's that just dropped this year (1 S'Word 2 Snakes et Hustle mind & Soul flows) with DJ JO-HA-KIM, you will not want to miss this great night. Come out & party !!!

See you there

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Tallant Don has dropped many singles in the past year and now he's dropping 2 Ep's, one is 1 S'WORD 2 SNAKES and the other one is HUSTLE MIND & SOUL FLOWS where he pushed his talent to the fullest.

Where Raw Talent meets the Streets, that's where you will find the internationally recognized artist, Tallant Don. A student of the game and now teacher of people around the world. Tallant started his career only a year ago and within months was signed to Bless Up Records however it was a long journey, exploring Hip Hop from a young age developing his style and mindset was crucial in the adversity that was to come. Tallant uses his music to help upcoming stars like his younger self understand it's important to not allow negativity influence their path to Greatness. You will notice a professionally defined style that only now comes easy after decades of hard work. 

"Bounce With Me" was his first Single released with Bless Up Recordswhich debuted at #28 on the iTunes chart and was covered by The Source as well as a variety of esteemed publications from America to Africa and who makes these incredible instrumentals? None other than the man himself! Tallant is truly an awe-inspiring musician, who has the ability to wear the producer hat simultaneously with pushing limits with his lyricism. Music is the air Tallant breathes, but his Blood always comes first. A never wavering Family man who always puts the needs of his people before his own. Showing the world that love and being a man really does pay off. 

Bless Up Records Presents, Tallant Don.
