Troisième espace théâtre / Third Space Theatre présente


Événement en personne
21 juin 2018
21h00 – 22h00

Hutchison, 6959 appartement 8, Montréal, QC, Canada
Pour plus d'information à propos de cet événement, veuillez contacter Troisième espace théâtre / Third Space Theatre à counterpoynt@gmail.com.

Achat de billets

An immersive theatre meditation on the pieces of our lives that are etched into the homes we leave behind.   Explore the secret histories haunting one apartment across three moments of Montreal history in this unique ‘Open House’ that asks, “How does your home remember you?”  

There will be nudity, violence, alcohol, and smoking.

* Unfortunately the venue is up one flight of stairs and not wheelchair accessible. The show will not be entirely visible from seating and requires audience mobility.*

Secret Venue in Mile Ex/H2V 1A4. Audience meeting location will be sent the day before your showing

Vérification des disponibilités en cours...

An immersive theatre meditation on the pieces of our lives that are etched into the homes we leave behind.   Explore the secret histories haunting one apartment across three moments of Montreal history in this unique ‘Open House’ that asks, “How does your home remember you?”  

There will be nudity, violence, alcohol, and smoking.

* Unfortunately the venue is up one flight of stairs and not wheelchair accessible. The show will not be entirely visible from seating and requires audience mobility.*

Secret Venue in Mile Ex/H2V 1A4. Audience meeting location will be sent the day before your showing

Secret Venue in Mile Ex/H2V 1A4. Audience meeting location will be sent the day before your showing