Riding the Curve avec Luke Jessop
L'Artère, art de la danse et du mouvement présente

Riding the Curve avec Luke Jessop

Événement en personne
Du 2 au 6 mai 2022
9h00 – 12h00 / Entrée: 8h30

336, rue du Roi, Québec, QC, Canada
Lepointdevente.com agit à titre de mandataire pour L'Artère, art de la danse et du mouvement dans le cadre de l’affichage en ligne et la vente de billets pour ses événements.
Pour plus d’information à propos de cet événement, veuillez contacter l’organisateur de l’événement, L'Artère, art de la danse et du mouvement, à inscriptions@larteredanse.ca.

Achat de billets

Pour SOUTENIR L'Artère, c'est ici.

Pour bénéficier du tarif Membre de L'Artère, c'est ici.


Cette activité est déployée en collaboration avec Circuit-Est.


This workshop concentrates very pragmatically on using our body as one in a very physical relationship with the floor. Concentrating on opening up options for ourselves to enter the floor in a variety of ways, exploring the use of the back, arms and shoulders as platforms to both receive the ground and launch off for some air-time. Creating structures and curves with the body to enable creative-acrobatics, flowing in and out of the floor. We will seek to take advantage of gravity to 'ride the curve' down into the floor and use this energy to come back out, using less effort, less muscle, leaving more energy and power. Overall we seek to take away the restrictions of moving in a low level or flying high. Alongside the solo movement work, at times we will also work with a partner to explore how such qualities as momentum, risk, weight and aesthetic can allow us to create physically and visually interesting images with each other. We aim to highlight the moments that are not possible without a partner yet constructing an awareness of each person's role within any given movement.

Jusqu'au 24 juin 2022
Vérification des disponibilités en cours...

Pour SOUTENIR L'Artère, c'est ici.

Pour bénéficier du tarif Membre de L'Artère, c'est ici.


Cette activité est déployée en collaboration avec Circuit-Est.


This workshop concentrates very pragmatically on using our body as one in a very physical relationship with the floor. Concentrating on opening up options for ourselves to enter the floor in a variety of ways, exploring the use of the back, arms and shoulders as platforms to both receive the ground and launch off for some air-time. Creating structures and curves with the body to enable creative-acrobatics, flowing in and out of the floor. We will seek to take advantage of gravity to 'ride the curve' down into the floor and use this energy to come back out, using less effort, less muscle, leaving more energy and power. Overall we seek to take away the restrictions of moving in a low level or flying high. Alongside the solo movement work, at times we will also work with a partner to explore how such qualities as momentum, risk, weight and aesthetic can allow us to create physically and visually interesting images with each other. We aim to highlight the moments that are not possible without a partner yet constructing an awareness of each person's role within any given movement.

Jusqu'au 24 juin 2022

Luke Jessop

Luke trained in the UK at the University of Bedfordshire, and then went on to work with UK based companies 2Faced Dance (In The Dust) and Southpaw Dance Company (Carousel). In 2012 Luke moved to Brussels to work with Ultima Vez / Wim Vandekeybus, creating and performing in the works : 'booty Looting', 'Talk to the Demon', 'Spiritual Unity', 'FEAR NOT' and 'In Spite of Wishing and Wanting' (Revival). In 2018, Luke founded Ion Tribe, a dance-theatre company with a focus on promoting scientific literacy through artistic productions. In 2021, Luke joined Akram Khan Company for the work 'Outwitting The Devil'. As of 2017 Luke is the artistic director of the movement festival, ConnectLAB, held each year in Brussels. When he is not creating, performing or teaching he is studying for his Bachelor's degree in biology.

Événements à venir