L'érudition en gérontopsychiatrie présentent

Journée académique de la gérontospychiatrie

Événement en personne
13 juin 2023
8h30 – 16h30 / Entrée: 8h00

7401 hochelaga, Pavillon Bédard 3e Be-320-09, Montréal, QC, Canada

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Lepointdevente.com agit à titre de mandataire pour Programme de surspécialité de gérontopsychiatrie dans le cadre de l’affichage en ligne et la vente de billets pour ses événements.
Pour plus d’information à propos de cet événement, veuillez contacter l’organisateur de l’événement, Programme de surspécialité de gérontopsychiatrie, à programme.gerontopsychiatrie.cemtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca.

Achat de billets

Vérification des disponibilités en cours...

Accès en transport en commun
Métro : stations Snowdon ou Côte-desNeiges.
Autobus : circuits 51 et 166.
 Entrer par la porte du Centre
Ambulatoire via le stationnement
arrière de l’IUGM
 Tourner à votre gaucher et longer
le corridor jusqu’à l’amphithéâtre
Le Groupe Maurice


L’Institut dispose d’un vaste parc de stationnement mais ne peut garantir des espaces pour tous les visiteurs.

Votre activité aura lieu au Pavillon __________Bédard____________ à la salle ____BE-320-09_ .

Veuillez consulter les affiches à l’interne pour vous diriger vers votre salle.

Des frais de 10.25 $ sont payables aux différents horodateurs que vous retrouverez sur nos terrains.  Les horodateurs ne remettent pas la monnaie mais le paiement par carte de crédit est accepté.  Vous devrez déposer votre reçu de stationnement sur votre tableau de bord à défaut de quoi vous pourriez recevoir un avis d’infraction de la ville de Montréal  

Plan de localisation des parcs de stationnement et des bornes de paiement.  À noter qu’il y a généralement plus d’espaces disponibles dans les parcs de stationnements P9, P5 et P10.

Transport en commun : Vous pouvez emprunter la  ligne d’autobus  85 et descendre juste en face de l’Institut sur la rue Hochelaga.   La station de Metro Radisson pour sa part est située à 8 minutes de marche.

Avez-vous pensé au covoiturage ?  Il s’agit aussi d’une option économique et écologique !


Dre Keri-Leigh, Cassidy

Keri-Leigh Cassidy MD, FRCPC
Dr. Keri-Leigh Cassidy is Professor of Geriatric Psychiatry and the Clinical
Academic Director of Dalhousie’s Geriatric Psychiatry program. She is the
founder of the national Fountain of Health Initiative for Optimal Aging,
and co-founder of the Association for Positive Psychiatry in Canada. Dr.
Cassidy is a nationally recognized expert in late life anxiety and mood
disorders, as well as late life psychotherapy. She is the author of the
Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy group treatment for late life
depressive and anxiety disorders, lecturer in the CAGP National Review
Course, and lead author of the CAGP Examination Guide book chapter on
late life psychotherapy.
Dr. Cassidy received the 2014 R. Wayne Putman Award for outstanding contributions to
community continuing professional development, and the 2014 CAGP Regional Contribution in
Geriatric Psychiatry Award. She represented the Atlantic regional on the CAGP Board from 2005
to 2010, rejoining the Board in 2015 and a member of the planning committee for the 25th
anniversary CAGP Annual Scientific Meeting in 2016.

Dr Dilip, V-Jeste

Dilip Jeste, MD

Distinguished Professor, Psychiatry, UC San Diego

djeste@ucsd.edu(858) 534-40209500 Gilman Dr
La Jolla , California 92093Personal WebsiteProfileBiography

Dilip V. Jeste, M.D. is the Senior Associate Dean for Healthy Aging and Senior Care, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Estelle and Edgar Levi Memorial Chair in Aging, Director of the Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging at UC San Diego, and Co-Director of the UC San Diego-IBM Center on Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Living. He obtained his medical education in Pune, and psychiatry training in Mumbai, India. In the US, he completed psychiatry residency at Cornell, and neurology residency at George Washington University. He was a research fellow, and later, Chief of the Units on Movement Disorders and Dementias at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) before joining UC San Diego. He started a Geriatric Psychiatry program from scratch at UC San Diego; today it is one of the largest Geriatric Psychiatry Divisions in the world. Dr. Jeste has been Principal Investigator on a number of research and training grants. His main areas of research include schizophrenia, neuropsychiatric interventions, and successful aging. He has published 12 books, 625+ articles in peer-reviewed journals and 140+ invited book chapters. He is Past President of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, the West Coast College of Biological Psychiatry, and Founding President of International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology. Dr. Jeste is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, and was a member of the NIMH Advisory Council and the NIH Council of Councils. He is Past Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry; under his leadership the Journal grew from a modest-impact quarterly to a monthly with the highest Impact Factor among all the Geriatric Psychiatry journals internationally. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of International Psychogeriatrics. He was listed in “The Best Doctors in America” and in the Institute of Scientific Information list of the “world's most cited authors”--comprising fewer than 0.5% percent of all publishing researchers of previous two decades. Dr. Jeste has received many awards including NIMH’s MERIT Award; Commendation for Dedicated Service from the Veterans Affairs; Asian Heritage Award for Excellence in Science, Technology, and Research; and awards from Society of Biological Psychiatry; APA; Institute of Living; American College of International Physicians; National Alliance on Mental Illness; National Alliance for Research in Schizophrenia and Affective Disorders; American College of Psychiatrists; International Psychogeriatric Association; Universities of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Maryland, and Cornell. He has also received Honorary Fellowship, the highest honor it bestows, from UK’s Royal College of Psychiatrists; and Honorary Professorship from Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru. He was recently a TEDMED speaker. His work has been cited in the Time, Atlantic, NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, London Times, Public Radio International, NPR, and various other national and international media outlets.

Research Interests

Dr. Jeste’s primary areas of research are psychosis and its treatment in late life, and successful cognitive aging. He has conducted studies of clinical, neuropsychological and neurobiological characteristics of late-onset schizophrenia, aging of early-onset schizophrenia patients, and psychosis of Alzheimer’s disease. In terms of treatments, he has published on therapeutic and adverse effects (including metabolic syndrome) of antipsychotics. He has also been interested in psychosocial treatments as well as certain bioethical aspects of research (particularly decision making capacity and methods for enhancing it) among older people with psychotic disorders. In recent years, he has been seeking to understand mechanisms involved in successful cognitive aging (including wisdom) at both psychological and neurobiological levels.

Clinical Focus

Dr. Jeste started the Geriatric Psychiatry program at UCSD in 1986. Two key components of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry are Senior Behavioral Health program (with inpatient unit and outpatient clinic) at UCSD Medical Center, and Geriatric Psychiatry Clinic at VA San Diego Healthcare System. Both these multi-disciplinary programs serve older persons with various neuropsychiatric disorders including dementia, depression, schizophrenia, alcohol and substance use disorders, and anxiety disorders. Patients receive psychiatric, medical and neuropsychologic assessments. Treatments include pharmacotherapy, psychosocial therapy, and family education/therapy with caregivers. There are also several training programs in geriatric mental health for fellows, medical students, and high-school students.