Fiesta Azul: Rockin’ with Ramón Chicharrón
Fondation Metropolis bleu présente

Fiesta Azul: Rockin’ with Ramón Chicharrón

Événement en personne
25 avril 2025
22h30 – 23h45 / Entrée: 22h15

10 Sherbrooke St W, Montréal, QC, Canada agit à titre de mandataire pour Fondation Metropolis bleu dans le cadre de l’affichage en ligne et la vente de billets pour ses événements.
Pour plus d’information à propos de cet événement, veuillez contacter l’organisateur de l’événement, Fondation Metropolis bleu, à

Achat de billets

Ask Blue Met founder Linda Leith why she made Spanish the third official language of our festival, and she'll tell you: because you can’t have a fiesta without it! So put your books in your bag for a moment, take out your dancing shoes, and come

celebrate el español with Colombian Montrealer multi-instrumentalist Ramón Chicharrón and his band, ¡porque es hora de bailar! A key player in the Canadian Latin alternative music scene, his dynamic sound is a testament to his commitment to blending genres and crafting music that invites listeners on a journey through vibrant rhythms and heartfelt lyrics. With influences spanning Latin and Caribbean rhythms, Ramón’s music is both a celebration and a fusion of his diverse cultural heritage. What better way to wrap up the first day of the festival — or shall we say, fiesta?

The first part of the event will pay tribute to the renowned Nehiyaw (Cree) writer from the Treaty 8 territory in Canada, Darrel J. McLeod. In this heartfelt homage, we celebrate his voice and his spirit by singing along to his rendition of Tom Jobim's Corcovado, improved in Santo Domingo while attending the Centroamérica Cuenta festival, to the delight of his fans and friends in the Caribbean.

Dedicado a la memoria y espíritu do nosso saudoso Darrel J. McLeod (13 July 1957 — 29 August 2024)

Jusqu'à ce que l'événement débute
Accès pour personnes à mobilité réduite
Vérification des disponibilités en cours...

Ask Blue Met founder Linda Leith why she made Spanish the third official language of our festival, and she'll tell you: because you can’t have a fiesta without it! So put your books in your bag for a moment, take out your dancing shoes, and come

celebrate el español with Colombian Montrealer multi-instrumentalist Ramón Chicharrón and his band, ¡porque es hora de bailar! A key player in the Canadian Latin alternative music scene, his dynamic sound is a testament to his commitment to blending genres and crafting music that invites listeners on a journey through vibrant rhythms and heartfelt lyrics. With influences spanning Latin and Caribbean rhythms, Ramón’s music is both a celebration and a fusion of his diverse cultural heritage. What better way to wrap up the first day of the festival — or shall we say, fiesta?

The first part of the event will pay tribute to the renowned Nehiyaw (Cree) writer from the Treaty 8 territory in Canada, Darrel J. McLeod. In this heartfelt homage, we celebrate his voice and his spirit by singing along to his rendition of Tom Jobim's Corcovado, improved in Santo Domingo while attending the Centroamérica Cuenta festival, to the delight of his fans and friends in the Caribbean.

Dedicado a la memoria y espíritu do nosso saudoso Darrel J. McLeod (13 July 1957 — 29 August 2024)

Jusqu'à ce que l'événement débute
Accès pour personnes à mobilité réduite

Transport collectif Public transportation
Métro Saint-Laurent – Ligne verte/Green line
Métro Sherbrooke – Ligne orange/Orange line
Autobus 24 ou/or 55 bus lines
Le transport collectif est le meilleur moyen pour
se rendre au Festival et se déplacer d’un site à l’autre.
Public transportation is the best way to get to
the Festival and from site to site.

Stationnement Parking
• Payant à l’intérieur de l’Hôtel10 Payable inside Hotel 10
• Dans les rues avoisinantes On the surrounding streets

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