Delight your taste buds: What's in a Dal?
Festival Accès Asie presents

Delight your taste buds: What's in a Dal?

In-person Event
May 7th 2023
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm / Doors: 1:30 pm

4382 Boul. Saint-Laurent, Montréal, QC, Canada acts as an agent for Festival Accès Asie in the context of online display and ticket sales of their events.
For more info about this event, please contact the event organizer, Festival Accès Asie, at at or at +1 514-298-0757.

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While Dal Soup, a lentil dish, is very popular in Indian restaurants in Canada, few people make it at home. Making Indian food is complicated, right? Wrong! Indian Cooking teacher and author, Veena Gokhale, will explain how to make this delicious, healthy, affordable, vegetarian dish. As you sip some Masala Chai (Indian spice tea) and yes, dal, you will learn that there are many types of dal soups and all of them are perfect for our Canadian climate! Guaranteed comfort food!

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While Dal Soup, a lentil dish, is very popular in Indian restaurants in Canada, few people make it at home. Making Indian food is complicated, right? Wrong! Indian Cooking teacher and author, Veena Gokhale, will explain how to make this delicious, healthy, affordable, vegetarian dish. As you sip some Masala Chai (Indian spice tea) and yes, dal, you will learn that there are many types of dal soups and all of them are perfect for our Canadian climate! Guaranteed comfort food!