Puppet Wipes (mtl debut), Retail Simps (LP release), The Subletters (first show)
Celluloid Lunch présente

Puppet Wipes (mtl debut), Retail Simps (LP release), The Subletters (first show)

Événement en personne
7 septembre 2023
21h00 – 0h30 / Entrée: 20h00

4873 Boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montréal, QC, Canada
Lepointdevente.com agit à titre de mandataire pour Casa Del Popolo dans le cadre de l’affichage en ligne et la vente de billets pour ses événements.
Pour plus d’information à propos de cet événement, veuillez contacter l’organisateur de l’événement, Casa Del Popolo, à info@casadelpopolo.com.

Achat de billets

Celluloid Lunch is utterly peached to present the first and only scheduled appearance of Puppet Wipes, Calgary AB's only band. The first Cannucks with the Siltbreeze seal of approval and perveyors of head bonking left field freedom-punk! On top of that this is thee Retail Simps LP release party, a scampish local cross generational gang that shouldn't be trusted and must be seen if only to recalibrate your metric for bad taste. And, new group the Subletters which will combine 2 legendarily talented locals (Tara D and Renny W.)'s oppositional aesthetic callings...one can only expect smooth-dirge-psych-jazz-wave-fusion-slink-plunk.

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Celluloid Lunch is utterly peached to present the first and only scheduled appearance of Puppet Wipes, Calgary AB's only band. The first Cannucks with the Siltbreeze seal of approval and perveyors of head bonking left field freedom-punk! On top of that this is thee Retail Simps LP release party, a scampish local cross generational gang that shouldn't be trusted and must be seen if only to recalibrate your metric for bad taste. And, new group the Subletters which will combine 2 legendarily talented locals (Tara D and Renny W.)'s oppositional aesthetic callings...one can only expect smooth-dirge-psych-jazz-wave-fusion-slink-plunk.

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