Nickel City Fifs : une épopée queer sudburoise sur fond de trous
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Viewer discretion is advised
On a Tuesday night at Zigs, Sudbury’s gay bar, a young queer thirsting for freedom and community experiences an initiatory journey unlike any other. Under the auspices of Holy Poetry, the crater’s patron goddess, the bar’s colourful fauna introduces him to their magical world by inviting him into eclectic, explosive, and absurd worlds. Will they be able to convince him to join them or will they lose him to the siren song of the big city? Guided by a desire to make theatre queerer, Nickel City Fifs pays tribute to the struggles of the past and present in an atmosphere that is at once campy, fantastical, irreverent, vulgar, caustic, demanding, and a tad disturbing in parts. A love letter to the region’s queer and francophone communities, this Sudbury epic showcases a voice rarely heard in French Ontario, let alone here in the North.
- Refunds
- Until June 16th 2023
- Free for children
- No free access
- Access for persons with mobility impairment
- No
Viewer discretion is advised
On a Tuesday night at Zigs, Sudbury’s gay bar, a young queer thirsting for freedom and community experiences an initiatory journey unlike any other. Under the auspices of Holy Poetry, the crater’s patron goddess, the bar’s colourful fauna introduces him to their magical world by inviting him into eclectic, explosive, and absurd worlds. Will they be able to convince him to join them or will they lose him to the siren song of the big city? Guided by a desire to make theatre queerer, Nickel City Fifs pays tribute to the struggles of the past and present in an atmosphere that is at once campy, fantastical, irreverent, vulgar, caustic, demanding, and a tad disturbing in parts. A love letter to the region’s queer and francophone communities, this Sudbury epic showcases a voice rarely heard in French Ontario, let alone here in the North.
- Refunds
- Until June 16th 2023
- Free for children
- No free access
- Access for persons with mobility impairment
- No
La Place des Arts du Grand Sudbury est situé au 27, rue Larch, Sudbury ON P3E 1B7
La Place des arts du Grand Sudbury doesn't offer parking. The city parking area (B-10) and parking along Elgin and Larch streets is free in the evening and on weekends.
Business Hours
Alex Tétreault
Alex est un artiste, travailleur autonome et activiste communautaire queer francophone originaire de Sudbury. En 2019, il est nommé lauréat de la Bourse Geneviève Pineault du TNO et, en 2021, du Prix Paulette-Gagnon de la Fondation pour l’avancement du théâtre francophone au Canada, deux reconnaissances qui lui permettent d’entamer le développement de Nickel City Fifs, son premier projet théâtral autogéré qui rallie les communautés queer et francophone sudburoises.
Le Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) développe, crée, diffuse, accueille et fait rayonner des oeuvres théâtrales contemporaines, en privilégiant la dramaturgie franco-ontarienne.
Upcoming Events
August 22nd and September 21st 2024La Grande Salle de la Place des Arts du Grand Sudbury, Sudbury, ON
October 4th 2024, 7:30 pmLa Grande Salle de la Place des Arts du Grand Sudbury, Sudbury, ON -
October 5th 2024, 2:30 pmLa Grande Salle de la Place des Arts du Grand Sudbury, Sudbury, ON -
October 5th 2024, 7:30 pmLa Grande Salle de la Place des Arts du Grand Sudbury, Sudbury, ON